Amy Christine Meekins

Inspirational Speaker & Author

I come alive in front of a camera and a microphone
and have a passion for sharing how you can know that “God is Able.”


Heart re-CHARGE Devotionals

I wrote a book! To learn more about how it came about and how to get your copy, check out

Speaking Engagements

Book Amy for your next speaking engagement

Life can be so hard. Do you ever feel that maybe God doesn’t hear you? See you? Care about you? Do you wonder if He has a plan for your life? I would love to share with you and your friends or your group or your church how I know that God does hear you, see you, care about you, and has a plan for your life. 

Email me at to see if I can come to your area in-person or present my “God is Able” message to your group through Zoom. 

I have spoken to special needs parent support groups, at Awana Conferences, at Disability and the Church disability conference. This message is relevant to everyone.